Extension settings are available in the Magento Admin Panel:
Go to Stores → System → Zest Logic → Configuration.
Go to Stores → Configuration → Zest Logic → AI Sales Booster.
All the parameters have “Use System Value” checked by default. If you uncheck it and configure your own value, it allows you to reset the configuration by checking this checkbox.

This section contains information about extension version and provides a link to this guide.

General Settings
This parameter allows you to turn the extension on or off.
Pre Validation
This parameter allows for the direct sending of emails or the use of pre-validation.
Enable Blacklist
This parameter enables a blacklist of emails to prevent sending emails to specific customers.
Add Related Products To The Email
This parameter adds related products to the email template if the product has such products.
Add Only If Out Of Stock
This parameter restricts addicting related products to email only if the current product is out of stock
This parameter is used to enter the API key of your account. It can be retrieved here.
This parameter is used to enter the URL of your API. Detailed information is available here.
Model Version
This parameter is used to enter the Model Version of your API. Information about the models is available here.
Count Emails To Send In One Pull
This parameter allows to set up how many emails can be sent at once to prevent spamming.
Email Sender (Abandoned Cart)
This parameter selects which email address will be used as a sender for Abandoned cart notifications.
Email Sender (Abandoned Cart)
This parameter selects which email template will be used to send Abandoned cart notifications.
Email Sender (Recurring Purchase)
This parameter selects which email will be used as a sender for Recurring Purchases.
Email Template (Recurring Purchase)
This parameter selects which email template will be used to send Recurring Purchases.

Days/Time Inactive Cart Configuration
This section allows you to configure the time after which the card will be considered abandoned.

Recurring Purchases
This section allows you to configure recurring purchases on your site.
This parameter allows you to turn the recurring purchase notifications on or off.
Repeating Ordered Products
This parameter allows you to set the number of times a product should be bought to be counted as a recurring purchase.
Days Before
This parameter configures how many days the plugin needs to wait or send before the period of recurring purchases

Crons Configuration
This section allows you to configure cron actions for the extension. It is worth mentioning that there are prepare crons and sending crons.
Prepare cron is preparing email templates but doesn’t send them.
Sending cron is sending the templates.
This parameter allows you to turn cron settings on or off.
Enable Prepare Cron
This parameter allows you to turn only prepare cron on or off.
Prepare Cron Frequency
This parameter allows you to configure the time of running only prepare cron.
Enable Only Sending Cron
This parameter allows you to turn only emails sending cron on or off.
Only Sending Cron Frequency
This parameter allows you to configure the time of running only send cron.
Enable Prepare And Send Cron
This parameter allows you to turn prepare and send cron on or off.
Prepare And Send Cron Frequency
This parameter allows you to configure the time of preparation and sending the prepared emails.
Enable Clear History Cron
This parameter allows you to turn on or off periodical history cleaning.
Clear History Cron Frequency
This parameter allows you to configure the time to clear history using cron actions.
Enable Preparing Recurring Purchase Cron
This parameter allows you to turn sending recurring purchase notifications using cron on or off.
Enable Preparing Recurring Purchase Cron Frequency
This parameter allows you to configure the time of preparing email templates for recurring purchases using cron.
Enable Sending Recurring Purchase Cron
This parameter allows you to turn on or off cron actions to send recurring purchase notifications.
Enable Sending Recurring Purchase Cron Frequency
This parameter allows you to configure the time of sending recurring purchase emails using cron.

Email Template Generation Configuration
This section allows you to configure rules for generating email templates that will be sent to customers.
Use Product Names
This parameter allows the extension to use the product names in template configuration rules.
Use Product SKUs
This parameter allows the extension to use the product SKUs in template configuration rules.
Use Product Images
This parameter allows the extension to use of product images in template configuration rules.
Restrict Image Width
This parameter allows to enable the restriction of the image width in template configuration rules.
Max Image Width
This parameter allows to configure max image width in template configuration rules.
Use Product URLs
This parameter allows to addition of product URLs in template configuration rules.
Use Product Descriptions
This parameter allows the addition of product descriptions in template configuration rules.
Show If Product Out Of Stock
This parameter allows to show if the product is out of stock in template configuration rules.
What Is Important For Clients To Know About Your Site
This parameter configures the customized information that you want to add in emails.
This parameter configures your company name, which will be used in template configuration rules.
This parameter configures a special discount code, which will be used in template configuration rules.
Contact Us Email
This parameter configures the “contact us” email, which will be used in template configuration rules.

Unsubscription Configuration
This section allows you to configure unsubscription rules for your emails
This parameter allows you to turn the unsubscription on or off.
Salt encoding
This parameter configures encoding salt. If you will change it all previous subscriptions will be canceled.
Token lifetime, min
This parameter configures the token subscription lifetime. User won’t be able to unsubscribe if the token expires.