Address Validation User Guide

Extension settings are available in Magento Admin Panel:

Go to Stores Configuration Zest Logic Address Validation.

General Settings

Enable Extension

This parameter allows you to turn extension on or off.

Validation Alert Title

Here you can set custom title for popup that shows up when customer enters an invalid address.

Allow Checkout With An Invalid Address

If the parameter is set to “Yes”, the customers with address recognized as invalid can place their order. The extension will show a popup with a correct address suggestion, but will allow customers to keep the original address. If the parameter is set to “No”, the customer will be forced to enter or choose the correct address.

Notification About Invalid Address

Here you can customize the request to check the address that was entered by the customer.

Address You Entered

Title for the address, entered by the customer.

Corrected Address

Title for the address, offered by the validation service.

Validation Configuration

In this section you can select the validation service to check the addresses entered by the customers. Please ensure that the service is available in your country.

UPS and USPS: Allow you to check addresses in the 50 states of the USA only. Addresses in other countries will be recognized as incorrect.

Google: Validation works worldwide, however the coverage for smaller cities may be worse.

FedEx: Works in about 50 countries and territories around the world. The full list is available here.

P.O. Box

If you want to disable shipping to P.O. Boxes, you can configure restrictions here:

Allow P.O. Box Delivery?
If this parameter is set to “No”, the extension will detect words like “P.O. Box”, “POBOX”, “pobox”, etc, and disallow customers to place an order with this address.

Error Message for P.O. Box Restriction
Here you can configure an error message that shows up when a customer enters an address with P.O. Box.

P.O. Box Is Allowed For Countries

This option lets you to allow P.O. Box delivery for some countries, while keeping it disabled in general.

Information About Extension

This section contains the extension version and link to the documentation.

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